03. Tasks


The tasks for this project are outlined in the notebook CV_project.ipynb in several steps. Follow all the instructions, which include implementing code, answering questions, and providing results. The following list is a summary of the required tasks (these are also outlined in the notebook).

Part 1 : Investigating OpenCV, pre-processing, and face detection

  • Step 0: Detect Faces Using a Haar Cascade Classifier
  • Step 1: Add Eye Detection
  • Step 2: De-noise an Image for Better Face Detection
  • Step 3: Blur an Image and Perform Edge Detection
  • Step 4: Automatically Hide the Identity of an Individual

Part 2 : Training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to detect facial keypoints

  • Step 5: Create a CNN to Recognize Facial Keypoints
  • Step 6: Compile and Train the Model
  • Step 7: Visualize the Loss and Answer Questions

Part 3 : Putting parts 1 and 2 together to identify facial keypoints on any image!

  • Step 8: Build a Robust Facial Keypoints Detector (Complete the CV Pipeline)

Then you're done! And your last step will be to make sure your code is complete and submit your project. Instructions on how to submit are up next.